Links and Acknowledgments

Judo Champ one of the Heroes of UA Flight 93

-Blair Bradbury

Sign Our Guestbook



Glick tells wife of plan to storm cockpit

A friend, a father, a hero

Meet the Press Interview with V.P. Dick Cheney

He lost his life, but won the final bout

Jane Pauley Interview

Other Heroes

Links and Acknowledge- ments

“We said I love you a thousand times over and over again, and it just brought so much peace to us.”

Sign Our



Our Mission

This is a tribute site, whose purpose is two-fold.  First, to educate the Martial Arts Community and the American Public, on the spirit and sacrifice, of the Heroes of United Flight 93, and in particular those of Jeremy Glick.  Second to provide a clearing house for information for any Fundraising efforts on behalf of his family.

There are many other fallen Heroes, and victims in the wake of this terrible tradegy.   If you would like to do more to help please visit  This website has links to all the organizations who could use your help.  They even accept credit cards right on the site.  They do ask for a $10 (USD) minimum, which I think is pretty reasonable.

Copyright Acknowledgments

The stories shown here, are copyrighted by their respective news agencies.  In each instance an attempt to credit the appropriate news agency and if possible it's author is made at the beginning of the story.  A link is then provided to the story on the respective news agencies web-site.  Because we realize that these websites have limited space and that during the  course of routine maintenance some "no longer relevant" stories are deleted.  We have also placed a copy of the story on our website below the link.  We hope that this causes no problems for the news agencies, and agree that in the event of any such problem we will remove the story without hesitation should we be asked to.

JEREMYGLICK-INFO.ORG Would like to thank the following organizations for their assistance in the creation of this Project.


and it's President Ron Tripp


and Writer Adrian Wojnarowsk


and Reporter Jane Pauly

and it's President Martin Bregman


and Moderator Tim Russert 

and Reporters Peter J. Sampson, and Adrian Wojnarowsk


and It's Founder Sensei Steve Cunningham

Kirkwood Judo Club and It's VP Russ Little